How to Dress Like a Skater:
Your skater’s safety is top priority. You can prepare your skater for the ice with the appropriate skates and clothing.
The following are basic items that your skater will need: sharpened, single edge skates with good ankle support (figure skates are preferred, but hockey skates will work for lower levels), gloves/mittens, layers, hat/earmuffs/headbands, comfortable pants (wind pants, leggings etc.) and light socks.

Skates need to be sharpened prior to lessons.
NFSC does NOT sharpen skates at the rink.
Clothing NOT recommended for skaters is: double edge blade skates (skaters cannot control the skates), heavy jackets, snow pants and definitely no jeans. Check out the following documents to help your skater be ready for the ice:
Should my skater wear a helmet?
Skating Safety:
All skaters fall, at all levels. Helmets are suggested, but not required. If your skater is younger and just starting the program, a helmet may be a good investment for additional safety while they are mastering their skills on the ice.
Concussions and head injuries can occur in any sport. Please review the Guidelines for Concussion and Head Injury form with your skater. All parents/guardians and skaters are required to sign the Parent & Athlete agreement each year.
Protective Headwear for Skaters
Concussion Information
Safe Skating Rules
New to skating? Be ready for your first day.
What is SafeSport? SafeSport is designed to protect our athletes from any type of abuse or misconduct on or off the ice. Designed by US Figure Skating, NFSC follows the SafeSport rules, guidelines and policies. Our Board of Directors have taken the SafeSport training and you as parents, can take the training too. You can find the training at:
If you have any concerns regarding the safety of any of our skaters, coaches or family members, please contact a board member. We want to make sure everyone understands that NFSC is a safe place to come.
Parents and guardians, please note that you have signed the Parent Code of Conduct and the Skater Code of Conduct forms as part of your skater’s registration materials. It is important that you remember to show respect to the coaching staff as well as your skater. Respect between coaches, parents/guardians and skaters is expected at all times throughout the year. Thank you for your cooperation.
The following businesses provide skate sharpening services:
Riverside Bike & Skate, Eau Claire
Grinders, Rice Lake
Pierce Skate & Ski, Bloomington
Dunham’s, Rice Lake